Clustered Fractal
Here to play and make video games. Join me on an adventure where i over analyze virtually everything.
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November 01, 2022
Fae Wilds

Alright, did outlines for the fae today. gonna try and get Devils and Demons knocked out next.

The Fae. A odd grouping of entities who operate under specific restrictions based upon both what court they are part of, and what individual species they are. No fae creature is restricted from a particular court, at least not by species. But being bound to a court is not a casual affair.

The fae are one of the traditionally planar entities, and as such are somewhat possessive and defensive of them as a collective. The primary threat the fae combat is the Devils, a grouping you can either find on my site and/or i'll give a more complete synopsis in another post, mostly depending on when you try and find that info.

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November 01, 2022

I do have a discord server set up, before the locals in fact. Towards that end im looking to have a binary community and will try to maintain both to some degree or another... but considering the nature of discord (and other social media platforms) i figured better to have one as an anchor... that being locals. join link is below, made it permanent.

main point to having the discord is being able to organize information and conversations, as well as allow space for lewds seeing as some of the specific games im working on contain such. to be careful, i'll only put more in depth updates on such games on the discord (so far as it is available to me) and maybe a much lighter reference here.

all links to any such content will also be purely done through discord or other means to avoid running afoul of the one compromise locals asks of its communities.

thanks for understanding and helping with this, and enjoy your stay in these communities!

December 19, 2022
I am returned.

i disappeared for a time because my sleep schedule got all sorts of screwed - entirely my fault, and im getting back into the habit (again) of actually making progress on my projects. i would apologize but theres no point to a self apology and i can never square the idea of an apology towards a concept or ambiguous group. so since i prefer being honest with myself where i can, i'll just leave it there.

November 03, 2022
The devil's in the dark

going to work on devil's today i think. might do a "just chatting" stream while i work to get back to doing my regular streams. in which case i might extend it some by going over mechanics from various series i remember and explaining what i remember of how they function. good for sourcing stuff if your better at repurposing that generating "new" content.

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